A Brief Guide On Tasks Involved In The Film Development Phase

· Film Development


One of the initial phases of film production is the development phase. Among the seven phases of film production, the development phase has its own significance and the number of tasks involved. Without conducting and completing this phase, you cannot move on to the pre-production phase. 

The tasks conducted on this phase will also beconducted in a pre-production phase, providing a strong base to all the otherphases involved. The sharing of ideas by the directors to the producer fordeveloping the script or modifying the existing script is one of the important roles of the development phase. If the development phase fails, then the next film production phases will not be initiated unless the development phase is executed successfully.  

Keep reading this article to learn more about the tasks involved in the film development phase and the benefits of this phase. 

Top 6 tasks involved in film development phase 

Before the actual work on the film begins, or theshoot of the film begins, the development phase is conducted. This film development phase may take months and years to conclude because the decisions and preparations made in this phase will affect the other phases. That is why it takes a lot of time to complete this phase without any errors and bad decisions. 

Below are the tasks that are conducted and performed during the film development phase. 

1. Creation 

The creation of ideas and effective plans is one ofthe crucial tasks of the development phase. The director, producer, andcreative team work together and coordinate for this purpose. These plans and ideas must be good and impressive to get approval from the studio for further\ processes and budget allocation. Many people struggle with developing creative ideas that fail the films to proceed any further and cannot move any forward from the development phase. That is why many people consult a production company in Dubai for developing creative ideas and effective implementation of the ideas for successful film production

2. Writing(Script drafts) 

Once the idea is approved and you get a green signal,the next important task in the film development phase is the development ofscript drafts. In this, the production team writes the outline of the actions step by step. The drafts you will make must include the words “writer’s draft” on each cover page. The main objective of writing drafts in the development phase is to pen down the ideas and story in a more compelling way. This task ensures that the story is easier to read and understand by the relevant person. 

3. Organization 

Organizing essentials for the production of films isvery important; in the development phase, all the required essentials will beidentified. The organization and structuring of various tasks necessary for a film will identify the number of essentials for a successful production. The definition of each essential, along with its requirement for each task, is compiled in the development phase. You need to make sure that you are identifying each essential required for each task so that you do not struggle with budget issues in the middle of film production. 

4. Preliminarybudget definition 

In this development task, the film budget is not finalized,but the real work for raising the budget to complete a film begins. This budgetwill be raised based on the document prepared by the producer and the film accountant. The document prepared consists of more than a hundred pages and included various sections defining the required amount for each phase. Ensure the budget’s documentation is done right so that you do not have to face budget shortages struggling with film completion issues. 

5. Auditions 

The arrangements for the auditions begin in the development hase because it takes time to select the right person to perform in the filmsyou are producing. The line producer, unit producer and director are the film production members conducting the auditions. These auditions are also conducted in the pre-production phase, where the people auditioned in the development phase are re-auditioned under different conditions. For example, they will be auditioned for various roles and in front of the camera to ensure they can perform well on camera and off camera. 

6. Identifyingkey locations 

Location scouting is also an important task in the development phase. These locations are reconsidered and analyzed in the pre-production phase. The development phase provides several suitable locations to select the ideal one in the pre-production phase. Location scouting is crucial because your films will not look good if they are not filmed at the right spot. Hire a film production company in Dubai to help you scout ideal film location saccording to your requirement and produce films successfully. 

Make sure all the tasks of the development phase is conducted! 

Your development phase is incomplete without all thetasks mentioned in the previous paragraphs. So, make sure you have the rightteam to identify these tasks and work on them as quickly as possible not to delay the filmmaking process. 
